2020 Trek Diary

August 2020 Backbone Trail Trek Diary

Trek Day 14 - Leg 9 (Monday September 1st)

Started Trek at 7:45am.  Sycamore Canyon Campground to Ray Miller Trailhead and short return tp  Sycamore Canyon Cove.  Had breakfast.   Broke Basecamp.   Weather warm but has been cooler each day.

Highlights:  Beautiful Ocean Coastal Panoramas.  Canyon Views.  Mountain and Cliff views.  A live Rattlesnake laying across the Trail sunbathing.

Lowlights:  Not much shade.  About 1/3 of the Backbone was on a fireroad but still nice views.

The westbound leg was 7.1 miles long 817 feet up and 1,246 feet down.  Total 13 miles.  Total elevation change 2,273 feet due to access leg and return to vehicle.  It took about 8 hours to complete.

Trek Day 12 - Leg 8 (Sunday August 30th)

Started Trek at 8:45am.  Mishe Mokwa Trailhead to Sycamore Cove Campground.  Thankfully my daughter shuttled me from the Basecamp to the Mishe Mokwa Trailhead.  I couldn't work out any other logistics because of distance and lack of Uber service.

Highlights:  Beautiful Coastal, Mountain, Inland Canyon and Valley Panoramas.  Amazing Rock Formations and Peaks at the top Plateau

Lowlights:  Sunday crowd on hike to the top.  Overgrown Trail was almost not wide enough for my Backpack's Sleeping Pad about 1/2 of the descent.

The westbound leg was 11.7 miles long 1,388 feet up and 2,684 feet down.  Total 15.1 miles due to return to Basecamp leg.  Total elevation change 4,336 feet.  It took about 9.5 hours to complete.

Trek Day 10 - Leg 7 (Friday August 28th)

Started Trek at 8:20am.   Yerba Buena Crossing to Mishe Mokwa Trailhead.  Forgot to bring my hiking boots and had to go back to basecamp.  Decided to have breakfast. Luckily the weather was getting cooler.

Highlights:  Beautiful Coastal Panoramas.  Deep Canyons down to the Pacific Ocean.  Magnificent Mountain and Cliff Views which I have to go over in Leg 8.

Lowlights:  Forgetting my boots, but it turned out not so bad.   Cool ocean breeze again.  Long skin of Rattlesnake across trail with out the snake that wasn't there when I started.

The westbound leg was 5.1 miles long 486 feet up and 514 feet down.  Total 10.2 miles.  Total elevation change 2,000 feet due to roundtrip.  It took about 6 hours to complete.

Trek Day 9 - Leg 6 (Thursday August 27th)

Started Trek at 5:30am .  Encinal Canyon Trialhead to    Yerba Buena Crossing.   

Highlights:  In the dark hearing major noises in the brush, thinking mountain lion, but the seeing a beautiful Owl circling over me.  Very nicely constructed trail with many switchbacks making it easy to climb up mountain.  Finally got a rabbit to poise for me.  Nice peak that was an old fire outlook station to rest and fill up on water.  Second day of cool late morning breeze.

Lowlights:  About a two mile stretch of fire road along the ridge motorway.  Only a short stretch of trees for shade.

The westbound leg was 6 miles long 992 feet up and 484 feet down westbound. Total 12 miles.  Total elevation change 2,952 feet due to roundtrip.   It took about 7 hours to complete.

Trek Day 8 - Leg 5 (Wednesday August 26th)

Started Trek at 5:30am .  Kanan Road Trailhead to Encinal Canyon Trialhead.

Highlights:   Three  Oak  Woodlands regenerating leaves from the Woosley fire started November 8, 2018.   Zuma Creek with water.  The only place I could have used my water filter if I needed to refill in late Summer.  Views down  Lower Zuma Canyon.  First day with a cool late morning breeze.

Lowlights:  Summer dry waterfalls.

The westbound leg was 5.8  miles long  872 feet up and 1,096 feet down westbound.  Total 11.6 miles.  Total elevation  change 3,936  feet due to 2952. It took about 7 hours to complete.

Trek Day 7 - Leg 4 (Tuesday August 25th)

Started Trek at 5:00am .  Piuma Trailhead (Las Virgenes Road) to Kanan Road Trailhead.

Highlights:   Nighttime views of fog winding down Malibu Canyon to the Pacific Ocean.  Passing many interesting rock outcroppings including a cave that Jim Morrison of the Doors made famous for visiting for spiritual purposes. 

Lowlights:  Half of  hike on an old dirt motorway.  Jim Morrison's cave is now closed to public because too many big fires have been started by pilgrimagers toking up and lighting campfires.

The westbound leg was 14.6 miles long.   2,506 feet up and 2,035  feet down.   Total elevation change 4,541 feet.  It took about 10 hours to complete.

Trek Day 5 - Leg 3 (Sunday August 23rd)

Started Trek at 5:00am .  Lois Owen Overlook to Piuma Trailhead (Las Virgenes Road).

Highlights:   The Rock Garden.  Views of Malibu Creek State Park Geology.  Almost continuous shade from trees along trail.   

Lowlights:  Radio Towers on Saddle Peak West.

The westbound leg was 8.6 miles long. 723 feet up and 2,360 feet down.   Total elevation change 3,083  feet.  It took about 6.1 hours to complete.

Trek Day 3 - Leg 2 (Friday August 21st)

Started Trek at 5am to beat the heat.  Topanga Canyon Blvd to  Lois Owen Overlook.

Highlights:   Morning sunrise looking back at Topanga State Park. Covered with beautiful trees, ferns moss for almost entire length of trail.  Hondo (deep) Canyon.  Relatively easy climb with switchbacks winding thru forest.

Lowlights:   Realized I had a Poison Oak rash on my lower back after the hike.   I must have put my backpack down in some leaves in the trails I hadn't realized wher there.  Luckily I have found a really great treatment at CVS.   CVS''s Brand Poison Ivy Treatment.

The westbound leg was 5.9 miles long.  1,713 feet up and 726 feet down. Total elevation change 2,439  feet.  It took about 4.5 hours to complete.
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Trek Day 2 (Thursday August 20st)

Adjusted itinerary Thursday as I got into camp late and wanted to setup the Basecamp.  Set up camp and had nice breakfast, lunch and dinner.   I got to use  camping gear I haven’t used in five years.  Back in the wilderness again.   Showered with solar showers at Malibu State Park Campground.  It felt great to be clean after Leg One's long, hot day.  Relaxed.   Got to sleep  in my new tent and my Basecamp Mattress my Daughters Fathers Day gift to me.
  • Sleeping under the Stars

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  • Hot Chocolate and Oatmeal with Yogurt

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Trek Day 1 - Leg 1 (Wednesday August 19th)

Started Trek at 6am on a warm morning in the Pacific Palisades.  Will Rogers State Historic Park to Topanga Canyon Blvd.

Highlights:  The Bridge.  I normally don’t take rest stops when I hike but this day it was going to be different.  The Lone Oak.  In addition, there  were a lot of beautiful Oak Trees to rest and relax under along the way.  Ocean and Canyon Views.  Eagle Rock.   Water at Munch Backcountry Camp.  I learned to take my time, take pictures, rest, relax and meditate.  I have the rest of my life.

Lowlights:  The worst.   I ran out of water at 12.5  miles because I had spilled my water bottle twice trying to refill it when I had stopped.  I won’t do this again.  My left arm was cut by the brush twice drawing a river of blood each time.  Luckily my 6-Person First Aid Kit did the trick.  Munch Backcountry Camp was closed due to COVID-19 by California Governor Gaven Newsom.  Got to Basecamp late, but got to sleep under the stars.  Nice.
The westbound leg was 14.4 miles long, 15.7 total.  2,227 feet up and 2,214 feet down. Total elevation change 4,441 feet.  It took about 12 hours to complete.

Trek Day 1 -  preview (Wednesday August 19th) 

We will begin at Will Rogers State Historic Park Backbone Trailhead at 6am.   This Trek is dedicated to the support of Homeless Vets.. 

Estimated to be about 13.1 miles and 5,317 net elevation change, but with beautiful views along the way from the Pacific Ocean and Catalina to San Bernardino Mountains and Mount San Jacinto.
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Preparing for the August 2020 Backbone Trail Trek

We can't wait until August 19th to begin our Trek.   The Trek will be along the spine of the Santa Monica Mountains  in the far distance in this picture.   There are currently nine Trek Legs planned.  The plan might be modified due to extreme heat or fires.  We plan five rest and recuperation days before extremely strenuous segments. 

Planning included checking trailheads for cell service to call Uber to allow for thru (westward only) trekking.   For the five legs that didn't, trying to find someone to shuttle me or setting up a Basecamp at a hike-able distance between two legs.  Dealing with the alternative plans, if the two Backcountry Camps along the Trail continued to be closed by COVID-19 restrictions.

To the left is a picture at Malibu Creek State Park where we will make our first Basecamp for the Trek .

The Video Clip is  me training  on Trek  Leg #5.   Kanan Road Trailhead to Encinal Trailhead and return. Checking out if it is reasonable.  Results:  Yes - 6.5 hours - 11.7 miles, up 2,068 ft - down 2,068 ft -  strenuous Leg.
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